

As designers committed to decolonizing our practices, we feel that it is important for us to help amplify Black voices that have historically been underrepresented within our discipline. We are using this site as a public platform in support of Black Lives Matter within our communities and beyond. We ask that you take some time alongside looking at our work, to explore these collected resources.


Dear white & non-Black POC designers
Where are the Black designers?
Decolonial Teaching in Action


Anti-Racist Resource Guide: Become a better ally
A Radical Library (incl. books, texts, podcasts, & articles)
How to talk to people who disagree
How to support Black artists

The Dead Girl trope inherently lacks agency as she exists only through the memory of others and the small piece of her they knew.
Let’s Watch the Dead Girl introduces the Dead Girl trope and genre in film/television. Featuring short writings on topics of misogyny, fetishization and how art and history have influenced the genre.
Full book here
Dead Girl Sticker Pack. Take a piece of the project with you!
Killer Dreamboat explores the online community that fetishizes real and fictional men who've committed violent crimes. These discussions often occur on twitter, tumblr and reddit forums.
Full book here.
The film test is intended to be applied to films + tv shows within the Dead Girl genre. Asking how women are represented. The test aims to give viewers the space to reflect and critic this genre on their own.
Printable film test here.