

As designers committed to decolonizing our practices, we feel that it is important for us to help amplify Black voices that have historically been underrepresented within our discipline. We are using this site as a public platform in support of Black Lives Matter within our communities and beyond. We ask that you take some time alongside looking at our work, to explore these collected resources.


Dear white & non-Black POC designers
Where are the Black designers?
Decolonial Teaching in Action


Anti-Racist Resource Guide: Become a better ally
A Radical Library (incl. books, texts, podcasts, & articles)
How to talk to people who disagree
How to support Black artists

This was created by ripping apart content, and then reassembling it without adding or removing any visual information. This is directly informed by experiences with depersonalization, and the inability to recognize the self while in distress.
This is an unsolvable puzzle, as whenever the concentric circles are aligned to reveal the text quoted by Hannah Gadsby to explain how creativity and mental health are romanticized to a harmful degree, the photograph behind it will remain distorted.
People who experience dissociation often fear the "mask" slipping in public spaces, because dissociation can happen at inconvenient times, and appearing mentally ill is still heavily stigmatized. During an interview the idea of having to sometimes work as your own "copilot" during an episode felt especially significant.
Aspects of experience and scientific diagnosis that do not fit cleanly together. Accessibility is an ongoing problem, and self diagnosis is still a difficult topic to navigate. Clinical study and lived experiences are not given enough nuance. Dada collage techniques are used to overlay the DSM onto a portrait.
A photocopier was used to distort the imagery, and then an interview was conducted on the passage of time while in a dissociative state. Time can feel as though it passes by instantaneously, or as though it is dragging on forever.